We aim to revolutionize and democratise coliving investments

We make real estate accessible to everyone. Anyone can co-own coliving.

Why own one when you can co-own several properties?

At Portio Capital we enable EVERYONE to earn a share of the hefty profits yielded by coliving investments. Together with our investor community, we invest in lucrative coliving properties and enable fractional ownership of real estate.

Future-proof your real-estate investments

Coliving is the present. Tokenisation in coliving is the future.

Are you a professional investor?

Join us in our efforts to minimise risk and maximise access, profit, and liquidity in real estate.

We invite you to join us in our mission to make coliving a shared commodity.

Come onboard our Tokenised Investment Fund and reap the benefits of the Billion Euro Coliving Market.

Are you a digital nomad, crypto investor, coliving believer?

We are getting ready to let you join the ride!

Get early access today to our Loyalty Program that enables you to upgrade your coliving experience using our digital collectibles.
Sounds like something you’d like?

Are you enthusiastic about coliving?

Are you interested in co-owning a slice of a vibrant coliving space in your favourite city? Want to start investing in real estate for as low as 100EUR? Would you like to diversify your investment portfolio?

If you said yes to any question

We have some good news for you! You can register to join our Portio Capital Investor Community and start investing as soon as we launch our Retail Investment Portal.

Latest resources.

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